I have naturally been seeking a range of sources for my
illustration. So far I have drawn crows from photographs I have sourced online
and winter fields from photographs I have taken in the countryside. But I have
been looking to work from taxidermy crows and have been looking online to
purchase one. Yet, I wondered if this would be the same when the high resolution
photographs, I have been working from, show something living (the life and
energy obvious) and often in dramatic poses. So would working from a stuffed
animal feel the same or inspire such works? One place I went to look into this in
December was the Tring Natural History Museum. I thought it a better idea to
actually see some stuffed crows before I bought one.
I stood back and realised that these were not the crows
from my drawings or the beautifully grim birds that Ted Hughes talked about in
his poetry. I resolved that I would need to photograph or draw from live birds.
Tring Natural History Museum - The Walter
Rothschild Building, Akeman St, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 6AP
PLEASE NOTE: The Tring Museum is a wonderful and inspiring place and as I witness some specimens are showing their age. I highly recommend a trip there despite this experience as they have thousands of great taxidermy animals and the place is a national gem.
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