Having read Kylie Stevenson & Susan Girak's Creative River Journeys essay I became
interested in the term ‘critical moments’ in relation to points in time when
the artist realises something about what they’re working on. The debate around
the ‘critical moment’ is important for the development of Practice-Led Research
as we explore the creative process that inform higher level research so here I
have pursued its meaning.
I think on some level I can pin point important moments
in my research but are these ranked, if at all or if they need to be, or do we
further recognise or inflate their importance when the work is complete? Are
these moments, at the time of their happening, still a critical moment or is
the realisation of them the critical moment? If we can see this final realisation
then do we even identify the original moment as critical if the work doesn’t
change. Is a critical moment positive or negative or both? From my reading, it
appears to symbolise progression but surely the failure of something working
within a context is much like archaeology where if you find nothing then it infers
by its absence a meaning.
Does the reliving of critical moments, through interview
or reflection, train our minds to recognise them more easily? Or even give it
the ability to construct moments that never happened
How does this critical moment happen? In the visual arts
does the visual method mean that the form of critical moments is more instinctive?
Is this because we are not placing the moment into a text based language, that
it can happen instantly? On a more complex level are we creating our own language
and does every artist speak a distinct tongue through formulating their own
critical moments?
The visual triggers that punctuate a critical moment are
tightly bound in the materials of the artist. Many aspects such a shape, colour,
line, texture may have an effect on experiencing the critical moment, or
whatever you might want to label it.
The artist is apparently able to identify the critical
moment but could this be a construct based upon the reflective process? When asked to recall critical moments they will
appear when asked to quantify the work. And again, does this mean that the critical
moment exists outside the work and not within it?
It’s also interesting that in Stevenson’s essay the research
subjects use a range of language to describe the critical moments such as, ‘turning
point’, ‘life-defining moment,’ or ‘struck a chord’, and these seem broad in
their meaning. There is little definition through using such loose terms. Maybe
there is no exactness here?
The Potential for Only
One Critical Moment
How heavily bound up in the source material is the critical
moment? The handling of source material is an interesting one for my practice.
For some this gives up the first critical moment and perhaps the most important
one. Could this be called the ‘Initiating Critical Moment’? How could we class
this? Is it the point at which a foundation is layout within a deeply developed
artistic consciousness? You could argue that artists are more receptive to this
leap of creativity, or a trained ‘conscious reflective eye’ that sees the
potential in the visual or any medium which triggers them.
Is this ‘Initiating Critical Moment’ the only critical
moment? The reason being any consequential moments that follow are often
removed, rework of deleted. If this first moment did not exist would the preceding
moments? If so it would be the ‘most’ critical moment and potentially some kind
of hierarchical system of language could be employed to rank moments there